Godavari River

The Mouth of the Godavari river (East) emptying into the Bay of Bengal.
Country  India
States Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh
Region South India
 - left Purna, Pranahita, Indravati, Sabari, Taliperu
 - right Pravara, Manjira, Pedda Vagu, Manair, Kinnerasani
City Rajamundry
 - location Brahmagiri Mountain, Tryambakeshwar, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
 - elevation 1,200 m (3,937 ft)
 - coordinates
 - location Antarvedi into Bay of Bengal, East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India
 - elevation 0 m (0 ft)
Length 1,465 km (910 mi)
Path of the Godavari through the South Indian Peninsula

The Godavari (Marathi: गोदावरी, Telugu: గోదావరి) is a river that runs from western to southern India and is considered to be one of the big river basins in India. With a length of 1465 Km, it is the second longest river in India (only after the Ganges), that runs within the country. It originates near Trimbak in Nashik District of Maharashtra state and flows east across the Deccan Plateau into the Bay of Bengal near Rajahmundry in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh.[1]



The Godavari River is a major waterway in central India, originating in the Western Ghats Trimbakeshwar,in the Nashik Subdivision or District Of Maharashtra and flowing eastwardly across the Deccan Plateau through the state of Maharashtra. It is known as dakshin ganga. It enters Andhra Pradesh at Kandhakurthi in Nizamabad district, crosses the Deccan Plateau and then turns to flow in a southeast direction until it empties into the Bay of Bengal through two mouths.[2] Basara, on the banks of Godavari in Adilabad District, is home to a famous temple for Goddess Saraswati and is only to the second temple for the Goddess in India.

Rajahmundry, is the largest city on the banks of Godavari. At Rajahmundry, Godavari is in its widest form having a width of approximately 5 kms from Rajahmundry to the other bank at Kovvur.

The Sri Ram Sagar Project which was constructed on this river (1964-69) serves the irrigation needs of Adilabad, Nizamabad, Karimnagar and Warangal districts.

Dharmapuri, Andhra Pradesh with a temple dedicated to Lord Sri Laxmi Narasimha swamy, is the second temple town that also attracts pilgrims from all over AP and Maharashtra. As per a Telugu poet and research scholar of Telugu Desi Chandas, Dr. Sanganabhatla Narsaiah, Principal of SLNSA College - Dharmapuri, Godavari was also called as 'Telivaha' in this region, which was believed to have driven the name 'Telugu' to the language.[3]

Although the river arises only 80 kilometres from the Arabian Sea, it flows 1,465 km to empty into the Bay of Bengal. Just above Rajamundry, there is a dam that provides water for irrigation. Below Rajahmundry, the river divides into two streams that widen into a large river delta which has an extensive navigable irrigation-canal system, Dowleswaram Barrage that links the region to the Krishna River delta to the southwest.[4]

The Godavari River has a drainage area of 3,42,812 km² that includes more than one state which is nearly one-tenth of India and is greater than the areas of England and Ireland put together. The Pravara, Indravati, Wainganga, Wardha, Pench, Kanhan and Penuganga rivers, discharge an enormous volume of water into the Godavari system. Its tributaries include Indravati, Manjira River, Bindusara River and Sabari River.[5]

Religious Significance

The Godavari River is sacred to Hindus and has several pilgrimage centers on its banks. It has been held as a special place of pilgrimage for many thousands of years. Many famous personalities, including Baladeva (5000 years ago) and more recently Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (500 years ago) have bathed in her waters as an act of worship.

Godavari is considered as dhakshin ganga and Rajahmundry is considerd as dhakshina kasi. Every twelve years, Pushkaram fair is held on its banks of the river. Crores of people have a holy dip in the sacred waters of the river to purify themselves of all their sins.

Legend has it that Sage Gautama lived on the Brahmagiri Hills at Triambakeshwar with his wife Ahalya. The rishi kept his stock of rice in a granary. Once, a cow entered his granary and ate up the rice. When the rishi tried to ward the cow away with Durbha grass, it fell dead. The rishi wanted to relieve himself of the sin of ‘Gohatya’. He worshipped Lord Shiva and requested him to bring Ganga to purify his hermitage. Lord Shiva pleased with the rishi appeared as Triambaka and brought along river Ganga. Since Ganga was brought down to Triambakeshwar by Sage Gautama, she is known here as Gautami. She is also known as Godavari because the river helped Sage Gautama to relieve his sins.

Ecological Significance

The Coringa mangrove forests in the Godavari delta are the second largest mangrove formation in the country. Part of this has been declared as the Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary, renowned for its reptiles. They also provide an important habitat to a wide variety of fish and crustaceans. These forests also act as barriers against cyclones, tropical stroms and tidal waves thus protecting the nearby villages.

The Krishna Godavari basin is one of the main nesting sites of the endangered Olive Ridley turtle.

Major towns and cities along the river

In Maharashtra:

In Andhra Pradesh:

Dams and bridges along the river

A barrage was built on the river at Dowleswaram by Sir Arthur Cotton in 1852.As it was damaged in 1987 floods,it was rebuilt as a barrage and roadway during 1987 and named after him. The roadway connects Dowleswaram in East Godavari and Vijjeswaram in West Godavari.

There is also a big dam built just after the source of the river at Trimbakeshwar. The dam is in the town of Gangapur, which literally means a town on a river. The dam provides drinking water to the residents of Nashik and also supplies water to the thermal power station situated downstream at Eklahara, which provides power to the town.

There is another multipurpose project on the Godavari River named Sriram Sagar Project on the borders of Adilabad and Nizamabad District. It is in the town of Pochampad, 60 km away from Nizamabad. It irrigates 4 districts of Northern Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh and supplies power.

The Jayakwadi dam near Paithan is one of the largest earthen dam in India. This dam was built to address the problem of drought in Marathwada region and problem of flood along the bank of river. Two 'left' and 'right' canals provide the irrigation to fertile land up to Nanded district. This dam has major contribution in industrial development of Aurangabad Maharashtra.

The Rail-Road Bridge in between Rajahmundry and Kovvur

There are 3 railway bridges which are connected in between East Godavari and West Godavari districts.

  1. Havelock bridge (Named after the then Madras Governor)
  2. Rail-cum-road bridge
  3. New railway bridge

Started in 1876 and from 19th century onwards it's been helping in transportation between the old Madras state to Calcutta. The first Godavari rail bridge was built in 1897 across the mighty River Godavari connecting East Godavari with West Godavari. It was constructed under the supervision of F.T. Granville Walton who had constructed the Dufferin Bridge over the Ganges, and Granville Mills, British engineers. Stretching for three kilometres, constructed with stone masonry and steel girders, this bridge served the trains plying between Chennai and Howrah. With the increased traffic in goods and passengers, a rail-cum-road bridge was built a quarter century ago across the downstream of the river. Since this first rail bridge outlived its purpose by serving for more than 100 years, train services on this bridge were suspended in 1997 with the commissioning of the third Godavari bridge. Today, the first Godavari bridge still stands as a monument of human endeavor and skill.

This bridge is constructed to serve as both a Railway bridge and as a Road way between the East Godavari and West Godavari Districts.

This bridge was started in 1997, built across the Upstream of the river.

Places of interest

The Godavari flowing through Bhadrachalam.

Like any other major rivers in India, the banks of this river also has many pilgrimage sites.

See also


  1. "River Godavari". rainwaterharvesting.org. http://www.rainwaterharvesting.org/Crisis/river-godavari.htm. Retrieved 2006-11-12. 
  2. "Ponnaiyar". Person unknown. http://www.whereincity.com/india/tamilnadu/rivers.php. Retrieved 2006-12-09. 
  3. "Telugu language has 4,000-year history". Times Of India (TOI). http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Hyderabad/Telugu_language_has_4000-year_history_/articleshow/3664152.cms. Retrieved 2 November 2008. 
  4. "Godavari River". http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Godavari+River. Retrieved 2006-11-12. 
  5. "Rivers of Western Ghats". http://ces.iisc.ernet.in/biodiversity/documents/rivers.htm. Retrieved 2006-12-09. 

External links